Oct 27, 2022Liked by Mina (she/her)

Also, wow, Kyoto! 😍And I see your happiness in the stationary shop! 😁

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stationery stores ALWAYS hahaha

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Mina (she/her)

Loved this post about double perspectives and the continuous shift between them. For example, I'm a country side girl/small town person, but I hate closed mindsets and limitations to culture... Still, I'm equally stressed by big city life. So... It's impossible to have everything at once. It's also ok to accept that 😊

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Very nice post Mina. I enjoyed the video you shared as well. It's always a pleasure to see a different countryside and experiences from the comfort of my home. Thank you for sharing.

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thank you very much!

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Kyoto looks wonderful! I'm so excited to finally come to Japan and I plan to spend a number of days exploring Kyoto :) And I can relate to loving both the city and the countryside. I was born in a smaller town in the US and I have lived in big cities (San Francisco, San Diego, NYC ... etc.), but I've also lived in the countryside many times ... I can never choose between the two and I appreciate how easy it is in both Japan and Europe to travel between the two (in the US, you absolutely need a car).

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kyoto IS wonderful! i'm excited for you to come visit japan as well! i'm glad that the country's borders are opening and people are able to enjoy traveling around here again soon!

there's always something special about falling in love with both the city and country for sure!

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Mina (she/her)

Hi Mina! Awww.

This is a nice moment you’ve shared. I am living in Hawaii, born and raised. But I experience something similar since I spent most of my life living in the city. During the pandemic, I had to move into a rural area of the island and I experience the same type of mini cultural shock! It was an even larger wave of culture shock when I lived on an outer island for a few months during summer break. It has always scared me.. feeling out of place and super unfamiliar. Wondering if I’ll ever adjust or if I’ll forever feel out of place and unable to relax. But I also notice how my mind slows down and I can enjoy the little things with more ease.

Thank you for guiding me through this reflection and I value your perspective.

Ok also. Traveler’s Factory!!! I love stationery, especially in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. I would go crazy in those stores (either because I’m overwhelmed or excited haha). Your clay piece looks so cute too!

- Krissy

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thanks for sharing about your experience with adapting, adjusting, and going through changes! it definitely feels like there's a universal "panic" moment when we go through new things, but i'm glad that you're noticing how your mind and body are coming back to a state of rest and unwinding from the previous pace of life!

all. the. yes. to traveler's factory! it definitely take a lot of restraint and self-control when stationery shopping (both of which i sadly do not have hahah) and it really was a lot of fun!

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I love all the stationery shops! What are the small round items in those shops? And the food all looked so good. Yum!

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I know how you feel about going from country life to city life and back to country. Too much of any one type of life can be a bit boring, I think. You have the right idea--some of both!

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hi holly -

thanks for taking the time to not only watch the video and read the newsletter but to comment as well! the small round items are called 'washi tape' which is like a decorative adhesive tape made from traditional Japanese paper. since the front side is paper, there's a lot of different patterns and designs that can't be replicated on standard plastic tape. i mainly use it in my journals and letters, but it can be used for many things!

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Oh yes! I wondered if those were washi tape. I love to use washi tape for envelopes when I’m mailing letters. I truly love your posts, and the videos are so informative. Please keep them coming!

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